GARP Events Happening July 20-22, 2019

GARP (German-American-Russian Partnership) is happening beginning this week!  The whole Crossroads Church family can participate in three days of events.

SATURDAY, July 20, will be a one day Vacation Bible School at the church from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a concluding program.  Lunch will be provided for all children in VBS and for all the volunteers.   Just prior to the program, a dinner will be provided for the participating VBS children, for their families that turn out to watch the program, and for the volunteers and workers that helped make the VBS experience possible.  So sign-up your children and grandchildren and encourage the children of your neighborhood to come.  Meet our Russian and German guests as they help us to carry out the VBS curriculum.  Please email Sarah Kiihne if you want to sign up children for VBS and/or if you want to serve as a volunteer worker.  Her email is
SUNDAY, July 21, will be a great day with worship at church at 10:30 a.m.  During the service we will hear words of greeting from the Russians and the Germans.  Both groups will share their musical skills with us.
We will also enjoy our annual picnic at Leesylvania State park from 4:00 p.m. to dusk at Picnic Shelter #4 – Lee’s Landing (Hexagonal Shelter).  Entrance to the park is $10 per car, so car pool if you can.  Each family should bring a side dish OR salad AND a dessert that will serve 12 people.  The church will provide two different meat choices as well as lemonade and water.  A special Fife and Drum Corps will perform for our enjoyment.  Bring picnic-type games, lawn chairs, and picnic blankets.  This will be a great opportunity to get to know our Russian and German guests. (On a side note if you shop at REI this week then you will receive a free one time entry into any VA State Park, which you could use on Saturday for the Church Picnic).
MONDAY, July 22, is our GARP work project day.  Join our 18 Christian brothers and sisters from Russia and Germany as we work together at Leesylvania State Park, we will be doing a beach clean up project from 9:00 a.m. to about 3:00 p.m. Please meet at the Visitors Center at 9:00 a.m. As you enter the park let them know you are there to volunteer, Ahmed and Diana are the park volunteer coordinators, you do not have to pay to park. Our Monday work project has changed! Here are the new details. Lunch will be provided at the work site, and there will be a dinner at the church at 6:30 p.m. for all of those who worked on our teams in the park.  Please email Andrew Detwiler if you are able to participate and if you have questions.  His email is
We hope to see the whole church participate in the above GARP events!

Germans, Americans, and Russians: United in Christ, Working for Peace | July 2016


This July, missionaries from the former East Germany and Russia will be making a historic trip to Dumfries, VA to work with members of Crossroads Presbyterian Church for a series of work projects in Prince William County.

Crossroads has partnered with two “sister” churches, a Baptist church in Gera, Germany, and another in Rostov-on- Don, Russia. In all, 28 Germans and 12 Russians will be coming to Northern Virginia from July 8-July 18, 2016, where they will be joined by congregants of Crossroads Church to help renovate and preserve historic cabins in Prince William Forest Park, which celebrates its 80th anniversary as a park, as well as the 100th anniversary of the US National Park System.

Past projects by the three churches include trips to Russia to help build a sanctuary for the Russian church, and to Germany to help renovate the city zoo in Gera, as well as to participate in the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. This will be the first trip made to the U.S. by the German and Russian groups.

In addition to working in Prince William Forest park, the three teams will assist women in transition at the Women’s Empowerment Center, a facility operated by ACTS (Action in Community Through Service) headquartered in Dumfries. Work will include improving the appearance of the organization’s grounds and building a fence that will help keep women and children safe as they enter the facility. The group will also tour the US Capitol Building, meet Members of Congress and other governmental officials and experience an old-fashioned Virginia farm barbecue.

The goal of this unique partnership is to serve the communities where these churches live, work and play, and to promote understanding between three very different cultures that were once World War II enemies, all while demonstrating the reconciliation that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Below are highlight videos from the partnership to Germany in 2015.