Natural Church Development – Youth Focus Group

Dear Crossroads Youth;
A couple of weeks back, most of you heard Colin Dunn give a presentation on Natural Church Development. As he told us, Crossroads is looking at how to become a more healthy church. Part of that is getting help from everyone by meeting in small groups to talk about how to make our worship more inspiring. We’d like to get your ideas and have a scheduled “focus group” (as they are called) just for you. We are planning a talk and pizza on July 28 at 7:30 pm at my house. (13891 Calico Lane, Manassas) That’s the same place you are meeting this coming Sunday. We really want to hear from you and I am looking forward to seeing you at the focus group. You can tell Andrea and Dave Williams if you are planning to come.
Barbara Willsher

Crossroads Natural Church Development – Focus Groups

Dear Crossroads:

I hope that you found the report from the Church Health Team encouraging and that you are excited about what God is doing in our midst.  In the coming weeks, I know that we will all continue to seek His guidance and blessing as we move through the Natural Church Development process.

The next step in that process is for as many of us as possible to participate in one of five focus groups. In these groups of eight to twelve, we will brainstorm ideas to improve our ministry as a church. A special focus group is also being planned in order to include our youth.

Your participation in these focus groups, and the input you will provide, are extremely important to spiritual health of Crossroads, so please plan to attend one of the following:

Saturday, July 16, 7 pm
Fritz & Neva Thornton’s
15932 Kensington Place
Dumfries, VA
RSVP by July 13

Wednesday, July 27, 7:30 pm
John & Mary Montemayor’s
15694 Pike Trail
Dumfries, VA
RSVP by July 25

Sunday, July 31, 7 pm
Bill & Peggy Tapolcai’s
4505 Javins Ct.
Woodbridge, VA
RSVP by July 27

Sunday, August 14, 7 pm
George & Linda Roller’s
7424 Norwalk Ct.
Manassas, VA
RSVP by August 11

Wednesday, August 17, 7:30 pm
Colin & Maria Dunn’s
12706 Knightsbridge Dr
Woodbridge, VA (Lake Ridge area)
RSVP by August 14

Please let me know which focus group you are planning to attend by emailing me at or by phoning me at 703-794-9726.  Each focus group has a separate RSVP date, so please keep that in mind as you respond. Because space is limited to 12 individuals, spouses should register individually.  If you registered at the congregational meeting, there is no need to contact me directly.

On behalf of your Church Health Team, thank you for your prayers for and for your participation in this process.

Barbara Willsher
Church Health Team
Planning Coordinator

Congregational Meeting – Sunday, July 10

A Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, July 10th immediately following the Worship service. We presented the Natural Church Development (NCD) Questionnaire results. All were welcome to attend.