Crossroads news and updates on events

A nice day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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Entry without preview image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

  1. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
  2. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
  3. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.

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Men’s Ministry Breakfast – Feb. 8

Saturday morning, February 8th, we come together for our next event

Who? The Men of Crossroads.

What? Breakfast and fellowship. Dads are encouraged to bring their sons. Please feel free to come and go as you are able.

Where? In the Fellowship Area of the Dumfries Boys and Girls Club.

When? Saturday, February 8th from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Brian Clites at Just show up if you find you can go at the last minute. Help is needed with cooking, set-up, and clean-up.

14th Day Ladies’ Event – January 14th

All women are invited to attend this month’s women’s fellowship event on Tuesday, January 14th at Brothers Encore (in Montclair) at 7:00pm. Please come prepared to share a funny story from your life or a time when someone used humor to encourage you. 🙂

If you plan to attend, please let Dorothy know if possible (text or call 571-330-8597; email Hope to see you there!

Crossroads’ Christmas Vocal Ensemble – Rehearsals

2013 Crossroads Christmas Vocal Ensemble

Advent season is fast approaching; it’s time to start preparing our gifts for the King!

Come out and join this season’s Christmas Vocal Ensemble as we prepare new and old anthems for the Advent season. Rehearsals will be held Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., November 14th, 21st & December 5th, 12th downstairs at the Dumfries Boys and Girls Club, in preparation for worship during the Advent season.   If you can carry a tune, you are qualified to join the choir!

                        Contact Linda Neice via text, email or phone with any questions, or to let her know that you would like to participate.



Crossroads Youth Schedule – July through December 2013

Crossroads Youth Schedule

20 Jul  – Pool Party

10 Aug  – PW County Fair

24 Aug  – Pool Party

7 Sep  – Rafting

8 Sep  – SNL

14 Sep  – BGC Work Day

22 Sep  – SNL

29 Sep  – Fellowship Lunch

5 Oct  – Trip to Belvedere  Plantation

6 Oct  – SNL

19 Oct  – Traveling Dinner

20 Oct  – SNL

9 Nov  – Parents Night Out

17 Nov  – SNL

24 Nov  – Pie and Praise

8 Dec  – SNL

Mid Dec  – Dumfries Christmas  Parade

Prayer Focus for Republic of Maldives – September 1, 2013

Republic of Maldives, Asia: The desire to honour human rights and increase freedoms has been expressed by the current government, but freedom of religion is highly unpopular and violent opposition to it has been promised. Grassroots religion has shifted in a decidedly Islamist and Arabized direction, losing its indigenous Maldivian roots. Pray for the future of the people of the Maldives, torn between oppressive religion and empty freedoms.

The Maldivians are still among the least evangelized on earth. Neither mission work nor Christian literature has ever been allowed. Paradoxically, the government denies the existence of Christianity among Maldivians while arresting those who do believe. The perception of Christianity is so bad (largely due to Western media and tourist immorality) that political opponents use the term “Christian” to slander one another. Pray for the true name and nature of Jesus to be made known in this nation. Pray that the state’s contradictions and heavy-handedness toward Christianity would generate great curiosity.


Mission Trip to North Carolina

Our Mission Team made it safely and have started work in Cherokee, North Carolina. To see pictures go to our Gallery at


Youth Pool Party – Saturday, July 20

Chuck and Dawn Assadourian will be hosting the Youth Pool Party at their home (3146 Lookout Point Ct in Triangle). All youth are welcome to come and bring a friend or two. Party will be at 5-9p.m. please bring a side dish to share and a towel.

RSVP to Dawn at 254-394-3974



Concrete Identity

NameTagThere are lots of little questions in life. Will I drink hot or iced coffee this morning? Should I turn on my blinkers when there is no one on the road at this hour? Should I put on the blue or the white shorts?

Then there are big questions. The reason they are “big” is because of how much they will chart the course of life. One of those big questions is, “Who am I?”

Who am I? Am I simply a collection of the many parts of my unique life story? Am I defined by my sexuality? By my failures? By my job? By my successes? By my ethnicity? By Christ? Who am I?

This past Sunday we encountered the Ethiopian Eunuch on the road back home from Jerusalem. During that time he met Philip and was converted to Christ. What we noted was that his identity was primarily one who was now a part of the people of God, united to Christ by baptism. His supreme identity is that he is loved by Christ along with all of those who come to Christ by faith.

Yet, we also read many details about this individual. He was ethnically Ethiopian. Sexually and socially he was an eunuch. In the world of work he was a treasurer. Politically he worked in the Ethiopian ruling court. Religiously he was a worshipper of YHWH, Israel’s God. By the end of Acts 8 he was still a worshipper of YHWH but now as he had freshly revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the recent redemptive events witnessed to him by Philip. All of these details included about the Ethiopian serve to teach us that we still retain many important secondary identities as Christians. God wants us to enjoy and appreciate the multi-faceted ways he has created us. He also wants us to reflect upon our stories and experiences in light of our ultimate identity in Christ. We bring our secondary identities as gifts to Christ, asking him to mold them and use them for the sake of his reputation and the good of others.

If you are asking the question “Who am I?” you can answer “Jesus loves me”. The real Jesus, resurrected 2000 years ago, really loved the real me. He dominates my identity but does not extinguish me.

Questions for Conversation

What are your secondary identities (ethnically, politically, socially, etc.)?

Have you ever felt like they do not matter to Jesus or your discipleship?

What aspect of your identity most needs to be brought into the presence of Jesus? How might Jesus want to mold it? Use it? Sacrifice it?